The Problem Analysis Of Bucket Wheel Excavator In China

The bucket wheel excavator does not travel when excavating the materials. The compound motion of rotating of bucket wheel and cantilever crane helps to excavate the materials. The materials would drop to the conveyor belt receiving the materials. And then the materials would be transported to conveyor belt to the transport machines. In general, the bucket wheel excavator has a long distance in aspect of technology, manufacturing level compared with advanced countries. The types and quantities could not meet the demands of open mining industry. The following problems exist. 
The bucket wheel excavator and its supporting auxiliary equipment are complex. There are some limitations in the usage.
The equipment is bulky. The low mobility and poor flexibility are main problems. 
The digging force is small. For the large and hard rock, the direct operation is more difficult, generally not suitable for use in hard rock.
The initial investment cost of bucket wheel excavator is large with long preparing time, complex design.
The bucket wheel excavator belongs series operation. If the system could not guarantee the stability and reliability, continuous mining process system will lose its advantages, failing to achieve the desired goal.
Bucket wheel excavator is special equipment. The work devices generally could not be replaced.
At present, as the bucket wheel excavator design, manufacturing level and the use of experience continue to improve, the structure of the bucket wheel excavator has also been improved.



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