How to increase the efficiency of belt conveyor?

Many users of mining equipment want to increase the efficiency of belt conveyor. The basic solution is good belt conveyor design. For example, we talk about the turning belt conveyor here.
Turning belt conveyor is widely used by several industries because of its special function. The design principle of turning belt conveyor is different than the normal belt conveyor. The design thinking and principle are more complicated.
Belt conveyor is mainly applied in the mining, chemical, metallurgy and other industries. In most situations, the belt conveyor is not set in the linear type, but in the conditions of certain curving. The middle of the belt conveyor may involve in mutual matching of various equipment. So we should consider the site layout of belt conveyor to complete the belt conveyor design, reaching the requirements of users. This kind of belt conveyor has the obvious advantage, that is high efficiency.

For the most EPC companies, they prefer designing the turning belt conveyor to the normal belt conveyor. Because this design could bring the users most saving cost in investment of equipment.
So if you want low cost, choose the turning belt conveyor, a good belt conveyor design.



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