What are the modes of EPC?

The EPC means that one company undertakes whole process of work including investigation, design, procurement, construction, commissioning (completion and acceptance) and etc from the end user. Besides, the working content, task and responsibility will be showed in the contract. Most EPC companies would know the following contents. According to the different designing scope, EPC mode has many forms including EPC with all designs, EPC with partial designs, EPC with relay mode design and etc. 
Under the EPC with all designs, the user would propose the functional requirements for the future project. The EPC companies would complete all designs, purchasing, construction, pre-operation and other work. 
Under the EPC with partial designs, the user need to propose the functional requirements and do some designs. The EPC companies would complete the rest of working such as detail of construction/Detail Design, purchasing, construction, pre-operation and other work. 
Under the EPC with relay mode design, the user will let EPC companies to find designing institute to design a part, realizing the relay of design. The advantages of doing this are as follows: The consistency of project could be realized, which increases the designing speed. If there is something wrong in design, the responsibility is clear.
Other mode includes EP, EPCs, EPCm, EPCa. This is very common in EPC project such as materials handling project involving apron feeder, belt conveyor, screw conveyor, stacker reclaimer and conveyor components.



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