The Matters Needing Attention Of Designing And Manufacturing The Automated Warehouse?

The automated warehouse has many advantages such as land saving, high storage efficiency, timeliness and veracity of store management and etc. The automated warehouse is widely used by most EPC companies. In order to complete the design of automated warehouse, the related persons should do following jobs:
1. demand analysis
They should conclude and analyze the demands and data of buyers to determine the design objective and standard. 
2. confirmation of cargo unit and specification
According to the research and statistical result, the related person should confirm the reasonable unit and specification.
3. confirmation of parameter of apparatus
The automated warehouse has many forms. In general, unit cargo form is widely used. According to the technological requirements, the related persons confirm the operating type and parameter of apparatus to choose the suitable handling equipment. 
4. model building
The related person should confirm the layout of warehouse. 
5. confirmation of technological process
The simulating calculation for the capacity of warehouse system should be completed to confirm the access mode and technological process. 
6. determining of control mode and store management
The control mode has many types. The store management is based on the computer information system.
7. confirmation of technical parameters
According to the allocation, we should choose the suitable computer and controller.
The automated warehouse could be equipped with stacker reclaimer, automated robot, screw conveyor, pipe conveyor and etc.  



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