The adjustment of belt conveyor in inclined drift

The belt conveyor and pipe conveyor is widely used in the EPC companies. And the belt conveyor design is very important to influence the performance of the belt conveyor.

The deviation of the conveyor belt is the common problem during the operation of belt conveyor. The adjustment is very important, which could influence the production of coal and maybe damage the equipment.

When the deviation of the belt occurs, we should judge the cause of deviation. After confirming the cause, we should take measures to solve the problems and make the equipment run in normal conditions. If some belts are off tracking inward and other belts are off tracking outward, we should seek the suitable method to adjust the belt. When adjusting the belt, we could move the idler forward along the belt. We should adjust the belt from the point of tracking. If the adjustment of idlers has reached the limit, we could add the number of idlers(only bearing bed).

If the upper layer belt deviates in one side and sub-layer belt deviates in another side, this may result from large diagonal deviation. In this way, this could jack up the equipment frame, which makes the pressure of idler average. The belt in operation with load doesn’t deviate, while it deviates without load. It is very common in hanging segment. If possible, we could reduce the tensity of belt and increase the height of equipment frame.

As we all know, the belt conveyor components also could influence the performance of the whole conveying process such as reclaimer, apron feeder, crushing machines, and other segments of the whole project. So we also need to guarantee the quality of conveyor components.



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