How to choose mining methods?

The underground metal mining's history is so long. Three thousand years ago, the Chinese people started to mine copper. And two thousand years ago, the normative mining technology has occurred. In modern times, the underground metal mining technology was in state of backwardness. The manual work is the main method of mining. Until to the 1950s, the underground metal mining technology developed rapidly. In recent years, science and technology researches about mining method are carried out in China. We have gained much achievement in intermittent-continuous mining, stage large diameter deep hole mining, sub-deep hole mining, deep-seated mining, natural caving mining, leaching and mining, high-efficiency mine filling, rock support and reinforcement, mine control water, open-pit mining equipment and underground mining equipment. The technological level has been promoted with two main methods including opencast working and underground mining. The crushing machine, apron feeder, stacker reclaimer and belt conveyor are applied to handle and convey the ores.
The opencast working is a process that some ores mined need to be conveyed by stacker reclaimer and belt conveyor. Open-pit mining can be divided into open-pit metal mining, open-pit coal mining, and open-air iron ore mining. The open-pit metal mining mainly mines non-ferrous metals. The open-pit coal mining mainly mines coal and some non-metallic ores. The open-air iron ore mining mainly mines iron ore. We should consider the geological conditions of the deposit, mining technical conditions and economic factors to meet the safety, economic, efficient and high quality requirements when choosing the mining methods.



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